Looking for a simple yet impactful way to help our environment?

You can make a positive impact from the comfort of your home – and we’re here to assist you in taking action!

How Do I Win?

Share a creative way you upcycle or repurpose items to reduce waste– and attach a photo (optional). We will select the most original answer and will reward the winner with a free HomeBiogas 2 system delivered globally to your doorstep. 
Keep green and good luck! 

How Do I Utilize the HomeBiogas System to Help Make Earth Healthier for Everyone?

The HomeBiogas system transforms organic waste into hours of clean cooking gas and nutrient-rich fertilizer, reducing your carbon footprint and enabling you to generate renewable energy at home.

Generate clean cooking gas

Upcycle your food scraps

Self-sufficient gardening at home

Reduce your carbon footprint

Join the Green Movement!

The winner will be announced on Monday, June 12th at 19:30 EST Time. Read our terms and conditions.

The perfect off-grid solution to create clean energy

More about Earth Day 2023

World Environment Day 2023 focuses on solutions to plastic pollution. It is a reminder that people’s actions on plastic pollution matters. The steps governments and businesses are taking to tackle plastic pollution are the consequence of this action.Join millions around the world to #BeatPlasticPollution